
TandyWorld Dream

I’ve been having this daydream recently: I get in bed at night, and read a paragraph or three about each of my friends’ days on an e-ink screen. That’s about it…I don’t know how it happens, I guess it would have to be an RSS feed, but the posts are personal and meant for friend’s eyes only…so an RSS feed with permissions?

I have some sort of guilt fantasizing about things like this - maybe I should just text or call more, and maybe it would be just as twisted and performative as any other social media can be. Maybe I should just read books on my e-reader. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Just laying in bed…“oh look, __ learned a new song today!”, “_____ doesn’t like their job”. Honestly, I don’t see it happening, how many people are actually going to write even a paragraph about their day most days?

But there’s two important wants that might be workable here: I miss when social media was more social/less media, and I want to have a relaxed e-ink bedtime way of keeping up with friends. Here’s what I could imagine…making an app that is only for my friends that makes it reallllly easy to write something, a sentence even, that shares it with a friend network - and happens to work well on my kindle ;)

I’ve recently become comfortable making dynamic sites - this is the first one I made https://world.pcotandy.org/ . Not very useful/usable, and that link will likely rot very soon, but the TandyWorld dream is born an infant. Thank you alex and gus for helping me become dynamic.

... juili