Problems with the Moon
The Moon has become more beautiful in the past few months. I look up and the Moon is stunning, but I feel like I shouldn’t look away. I look at the moon and feel crazy. I feel crazed but also crazy for not spending as much time as possible looking at it. Moonmaxxing or Moon FOMO.
... juili
Sep 22 2024
Notes from Pat Metheny Show
I was recently re-reading my good friend’s blog and was inspired by the way they post/share unedited notes. I took some notes from a Pat Metheny show I saw last week (it was awesome) - he said he doesn’t normally talk so I jotted down something about most of what he said. I don’t know how helpful any of it is, the most tangible thing in there are some of the baritone guitar notes/tunings
... juili
Apr 21 2024
TandyWorld Dream
I’ve been having this daydream recently: I get in bed at night, and read a paragraph or three about each of my friends’ days on an e-ink screen. That’s about it…I don’t know how it happens, I guess it would have to be an RSS feed, but the posts are personal and meant for friend’s eyes only…so an RSS feed with permissions?
I have some sort of guilt fantasizing about things like this - maybe I should just text or call more, and maybe it would be just as twisted and performative as any other social media can be. Maybe I should just read books on my e-reader. But I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Just laying in bed…“oh look, __ learned a new song today!”, “_____ doesn’t like their job”. Honestly, I don’t see it happening, how many people are actually going to write even a paragraph about their day most days?
But there’s two important wants that might be workable here: I miss when social media was more social/less media, and I want to have a relaxed e-ink bedtime way of keeping up with friends. Here’s what I could imagine…making an app that is only for my friends that makes it reallllly easy to write something, a sentence even, that shares it with a friend network - and happens to work well on my kindle ;)
I’ve recently become comfortable making dynamic sites - this is the first one I made . Not very useful/usable, and that link will likely rot very soon, but the TandyWorld dream is born an infant. Thank you alex and gus for helping me become dynamic.
... juili
Apr 12 2024
We made an Apple ][ Selfie Studio
I’m currently at the Recurse Center in New York, basically having fun and learning a lot…ok
A few of us have been hacking at the Apple ][ in the space, and decided to make a web/rust/audio selfie studio maker, here’s what it looks like:

... juili
Dec 1 2023
I started working on live MIDI visualizations. At first inspired by old General MIDI visualizing software that takes in a .mid file and shows some old cgi band playing the song,
but later inspired by a new Pobbles release. The first Pobbles video, seems to me like it must have used MIDI to create Pobbles, and finally shaders had a broader appeal to me.
For a while I found it hard to sync up my visualizer, and I felt like shaders could sometimes be a very cool addition to a performance, but didn't really feel connected to the music.
MIDI fixes that!
I did a performance using my first MIDI visualizers, and the hope is a) get my visualizers to a point where they're super cool but an afterthought to my performances b) work with artists to
add live midi visuals to their shows c) make music videos
Making a general Midi visualizer would be great for the PCoTandy GM competition - I probably wouldn't make unique visuals for every instrument, but maybe for categories. Eventually every one could be sweet!
... juili
Oct 29 2023
The song about barricades
I don't listen to "historical" music much, but my dear friend Tobias Haus sent me
a video of a duet (Harpsichord and Theorbo) playing "Les Baricades
(The Mysterious Barricades) by François Couperin. (Check out the video it's
Sometimes historical performance just hits deep (҂◡_◡)
Toby and I will be performing it for friends this Friday - I'll try to tape and post here. The song
is typically a solo piece, but
Jean Rondeau & Thomas Dunford arranged/embellished it so the theorbo is playing some nice
Since I think this is their original take, I couldn't find music - so I transcribed the theorbo part
for guitar. I believe all of the notes are correct. I took some...liberties with the rhythmic
If you play along with the video I think it will be clear what's going on
So here it is: A guitar transcription of Thomas Dunford's theorbo part of "Les Baricades
Mïstérieuses" by Couperin.
... juili
May 4 2022
Link Dump: Indie web and more :)
Today a community in my periphery came into clearer sight for me. The IndieWeb is a term used for
multiple things, sometimes for the Yesterweb - but it turns out
there is
a consolidated community called the IndieWeb. They seem more
aligned as technologists
whereas the Yesterweb is focused on early web aesthetics and teaching non-programmers how to make
websites. It's like web3 but for and by the people!
I still have more to say, but I'm trying to keep these short for now - I'm excited by both
communities and their interplay :)
Link dump (some of these i haven't read all of and don't agree with all of)
- Indie Web talk
- adactio - somewhere in here is a tool to post your blog on all platforms but link back to your website...according to the talk above ヽ(´ー`)ノ
- Angelheaded Hipsters Burning for the Ancient Heavenly Connection I burn for the heavenly connection. I like how this talks about twitter as a town square. Bring back town squares!
- Webmentions
- Space Catan - fuzzy wobble has some neat stuff
- Apparently you can just a payphone?
... juili
May 3 2022
Visit here oft and I will you
Wow! I started this page today and now it's 3am.
This Pode (PodeCentral blogipode) will be
If you're reading this, drop your blog in the livechat and I will follow yours. You should update
regularly too. I want to try this to just see if maybe
it's better or supplemental to social media. what would it be like if a critical mass of my irl
friends had blogs like this pode right here??
Anyway here's some little snippets of stuff on my mind and life:
- Blue Dish in Des Moines??
- GLSL shaders as website layout components ヽ(´ー`)ノ
- Subletting in LA or Brooklyn this summer ?..(any1 subletting? 👉👈)
- Maybe touring with Deer Scout in September?
- The People's Coalition of Tandy
- Actually enjoying walks and listening to podcasts
... juili
Apr 28 2022